Monday, July 16, 2012

Of course and fall.

The soles of my feet.
The rain this evening, big drops.

The rain is a symbol
for the capacity of even small things

to fall from the sky over and over.
Of course the past. Of course millennia

with nothing alive but rain,
with no rain. Of course Mars.

Of course the round red of the sky tonight:
what the skin would look like

to a watered bone beneath it.
Of course the rain

is a symbol, of course the sky
is an illuminated symbol.

The soles
of my feet, their ancient shape.

Of course I'm primate, biped,
two hands free for failure, for grasping

Of course my eyes,
their raindrop shape

how the optic nerves pull them back into the skull
the eyes and photons both, as if to stop them falling.

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